Tuesday, February 22, 2011

taking a hike

there are lilies growing beside road here. awesome, not?
You know what the best thing is about being a not-so-glorified bum? The mini vacations you take when you can’t face reality anymore. This might be why I will never be a responsible adult – when it all becomes too real I take a hike and wait for the steam to settle while I try to pretend to be oblivious to everything! Go, me. Take one for the team and all that jazz except that there aren’t really any other team members.

So I am visiting my dad. So far it has included good food (been trying my best to stick to my diet and getting it mostly right except that I have had cream cheese and pasta and maybe some Stollen) and a lot of relaxing and TV watching and internet surfing and talking to people in odd countries all over the world. It has been good and relaxing and I’ve only been here a few days. It feels good to get away from the big city and to just over indulge in Will & Grace reruns and amazing views and good books and rain and cold. Oh, how I love the wet weather up here.

Here is the view from my room to tease you with:
i wake up to this, suckers

 Also, there will be some food related blogs coming up. Say like AH if you like wild mushroom rissotto.

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