I have a job interview tomorrow.The time has come to be a responsible adult. Everything about it is ideal: good pay, only have to work in the afternoon, it is at the end of my friend’s street and I have a lift there and back again. There is only one set back: it is taking care of a group of children. And not like an au pair but like an after school care giver. My mother thinks it is easy – I have to help kids with their home work and make sure they do not die or lose limbs.
I am not the ideal candidate for this job, however, the pay means that I will be able to do things I like when I am on holiday like fly down to the coast to visit Miss M or (after a bit more saving) hop on a plane to go see the Wife and travel. One month’s pay is a (very, out of season) cheap one way ticket to Europe. And I bet I could use this as an advantage for my TEFL hours. And in my coffee breaks I can pop down to my friend’s place for ‘coffee’. However, I doubt I’ll have coffee breaks at all. So maybe we can scratch all of that.
Now, instead of updating my CV I am blogging. Great. Shit. To be perfectly honest I am terrified. When I spoke to Miss M on the phone earlier she laughed when I told her. She laughed for a very long time. This is why I haven’t had “time” to tell anybody else.
How is an irresponsible person becoming a caregiver for young children who might be taller than her? There is serious doubt in my mind that they would employ me: I have no experience and a quick temper. Children could be in danger. These people must be desperate.
Also, I need to find a top that I can wear to this thing. A t-shirt feels too unprofessional. Shit, bugger, fuck. I need to look presentable… How do you do that again?
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