Wednesday, February 23, 2011

i have beef with rihanna

this post might seem shallow but rihanna is stalking me and stealing my odd sounds and phrases. ask Miss M - she told me.

for those of you who know me you know i have been saying "yaaaaaaaaaaahhhzzz" since before i invented dinosaur face. for real, y'all, and now that girl who happens to have cooler hair than me at the moment has said it is cool. i should never have switched from dinosaur face.

to prove my point this is my editor and best friend's point of view after i told her that i was in fact the inventor of the phrase :

"totally. rihanna has followed you since you got twitter, saw you use it, then wrote it in a little notebook, waited for you to get over the phrase and decide it was lame and for her fame to reach its peak, then used it on twitter and BAM! she stole your thunder. totally."

and by the way, rihanna, if you steal any of Miss M's lines i will hunt you down with a cross bow. stop stealing lines. gosh

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